A packet forgery and packet drop attack detection using efficient Encoding and Decoding mechanisms.

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Rashmi R H, Mrs. Sagarika Behera


A series of systems are connected to form a network. Vast amount of data moves through this network. A user who is not authorized to access the data tries to get forcible entry to the network by adding a malicious node or spoiling the node that already exists. The data in such network is not trustable. There is always a possibility that the information sent is changed or it is dropped in-between. Therefore identifying such behavior and the reason behind it is one of major issue. This is solved by using Provenance that verifies the data originality. The proposed technique is mainly concerned with the safe transmission of packet from sender to receiver through intermediate participants. The mechanism detects if there is any data change attack or data drop attack in the network and identifies the intruder responsible for such attacks with the help of provenance. The system is implemented experimentally and analyzed for its effectiveness

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How to Cite
, R. R. H. M. S. B. (2016). A packet forgery and packet drop attack detection using efficient Encoding and Decoding mechanisms. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(5), 164–168. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i5.2145