Parallel Seismic 2-D Reverse Time Migration

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Tejaswi Rajendra Jadhav, Vaishali Maheshkar


In Oil and Gas industries, Reverse Time Migration (RTM) has become a powerful technology in seismic imaging for complex subsurface structures, because of the quality and integrity of the images it provides. But computational cost of RTM is high. In case of RTM, program run times are long, i.e. total number of CPU cycles are more and it requires large amount of disk space. This hinders its practical success. To accelerate computing, parallelization can be used which can be implemented by using Message Passing Interface (MPI) and OpenMP on multicore computers, for forward modelling and reverse time extrapolation. MPI is used to exploit core-level parallelism and OpenMP to exploit thread-level parallelism. On the daily basis practical use of serial implementation of RTM is not possible. We implemented RTM parallelly by using MPI and OpenMP so that we can achieve better performance.

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How to Cite
, T. R. J. V. M. (2016). Parallel Seismic 2-D Reverse Time Migration. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(5), 119–122.