Baseband Data Handling System Using LEON3FT Processor

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Arun. N, Dr. S Revathi


The data handling system is used to receive the data from the payloads of the satellite and format the data into suitable form so that it can be successfully received at the ground station. Data handling system consists of payload interface unit, preprocessor unit, data compression unit, data encryption unit, and channel coding and frame formatter. Till now, data handling systems were developed with the help of FPGAs. The current project involves the development of on board data handling system based on LEON3FT processor. Processor provides the advantages of reduced hardware complexity, programmability and computational performance.

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How to Cite
, A. N. D. S. R. (2016). Baseband Data Handling System Using LEON3FT Processor. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(5), 66–71.