Security System for Industrial Gate And Generation of Gate Pass

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Yogesh S. Watile, Ankita R. Sabal, Harshala V. Gode, Komal B. Gaulkar, Apurva R. Gawande


This paper gives description of face recognition system which automatically identifies and/or verifies the identity of a person from digital images. The basic flow of system is the image is captured by camera. The PCA algorithm detects the face and extracts its features. After the extraction, system compares the captured images with data base images. When the system found the person to be authorized then the system opens the gate automatically. But if the person is unauthorized then the system does not allow to entering in the industrial campus as well as it will generate the gate pass for the person.

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How to Cite
, Y. S. W. A. R. S. H. V. G. K. B. G. A. R. G. (2017). Security System for Industrial Gate And Generation of Gate Pass. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(2), 260–264.