A Review: Multipurpose Garbage Monitoring System Using IoT

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Benish I. Shaikh, Prachi P. Pawade, Tejaswini A. Jirapure, Kajal M. Wanjari, Sagar P. Wankhede


In this paper a cost effective dust bin monitoring system with street light is proposed. ?SWACHH BHARAT ABHIYAN? - PM Narendra Modi?s ambitious project to make INDIA a clean country. An efficient method to monitor the waste has been designed with some sensors and the output will display on the monitoring screen of municipality office. Level sensor detects the level of the garbage inside the bin and thus we get information about the level of garbage in the bins. The weight sensor is mounted at the bottom of dust bin and continuously monitors weight of garbage in to dustbin. On the receiver side continuously monitor garbage in to dustbin. Municipality takes many measures to maintain the cleanliness of the city. One of which is establishing dustbins in regular distance for the convenience of public to discard items. Cleaning this garbage is an important function of municipality which is directly related to health issues. We have designed a model for a ?Smart Dustbin? which indicates directly that the dustbin is filled to a certain level by the garbage and cleaning or emptying them is a matter of immediate concern. This prevents lumping of garbage in the roadside dustbin which ends up giving foul smell and illness to people. The developing system will have a complete monitoring system which is IOT based. Also the information will be directly sent to the internet from system; no need of computer for transmission purpose which reduces the cost.

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How to Cite
, B. I. S. P. P. P. T. A. J. K. M. W. S. P. W. (2017). A Review: Multipurpose Garbage Monitoring System Using IoT. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(2), 252–255. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i2.209