Providing Security in Collaborative Data Publishing from Heterogeneity Attack

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Shalaka Ragit, Sagar Badhiye


In Collaborative data publishing the data is distributed among multiple data providers or data owners. The main concern of collaborative data publishing is while publishing data preserving the individual’s privacy. While publishing collaborative data to multiple data provider two types of problems are more likely to occur, first is outsider attack and second is insider attack. The attack, which is performed by people who is not data provider, is called as outsider attack. Whereas attack is performed by colluding data provider who may use their own data records to get the data records shared by other data providers, is called as outsider attack. Insider attack is performed by people who are data provider or data owner. In this paper to overcome the problem of such attacks in collaborative data publishing the encryption strategy can be used such as 3DES which provides individual’s data protection by using three keys. Along with MD5 key generation mechanism.

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How to Cite
, S. R. S. B. (2016). Providing Security in Collaborative Data Publishing from Heterogeneity Attack. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(4), 593–596.