High Performance AXI4 to AHB Bridge (Using a local interface)

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Dhwani Bhatt, Mr. Santosh Jagtap


In this paper, we have presented the design of a high performance AXI to AHB Bridge. The AMBA (Advanced Micro controller Bus Architecture) developed by ARM is a widely used interconnection standard for System on Chip (SOC). The AMBA 4.0 supports a rich set of bus signals, hence supporting high speed pipelined data transfers. The goal of this project is to synthesize and simulate an interface bridge for Advanced High performance Bus (AHB) to support for both high bandwidth data transfer using a single AXI4.0 transaction. The bridge provides interface between the high performance AXI 4.0 and high bandwidth peripherals of AHB domain. It has a slave interface which receives the AXI4 master transactions and converts them to AHB master transactions and initiates them on the AHB bus.Here we will also be using a local interface with the system. and one of the main advantages of which is that in future while replacing any of the protocols on the either side, the entire system does not need to programmed, but only the protocol that has been replaced.

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How to Cite
, D. B. M. S. J. (2016). High Performance AXI4 to AHB Bridge (Using a local interface). International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(4), 541–543. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i4.2048