Test Case Prioritization Based on Specific Events

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Ms. Snehal D. Shinde, Dr. Shashank.D. Joshi


Event-Driven Software (EDS) system changes its state according to arrival of events for example graphical user interface and web framework. So due to there are number of events generated by users waiting in queue, this system is raise issue for testing. Until now, there are more efforts taken for testing this issue but these efforts are not collective. In this project work, our try is to give collective solution for graphical user interface and Web frameworks combined. We designed model to test graphical user interface and web application combined by using test cases prioritization. Main objective is here to deploy this model to prioritize test cases based on events. Our proposed work shows that graphical user interface and Web-based frameworks, gives same behavior even after prioritization. To test stand-alone GUI and Web-based frameworks based on shared prioritization function, and prioritization criteria’s. This generic approach is enough to study develop and test a unified theory for all kinds of Event Driven Software systems. This paper articulates all the details regarding our proposed system through following sections.

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How to Cite
, M. S. D. S. D. S. J. (2016). Test Case Prioritization Based on Specific Events. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(4), 234–237. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i4.1995