RF Controlled Digital Wireless Camera

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Aakash Patel, Hema Soni, Suraj Patil, Dr.(Mrs.)Saylee Gharge


In the present scenario cameras are fixed in static position due to which they are able to monitor a limited area. The effective way to increase the coverage area to camera is to design a system which will give the flexibility to move the camera in different directions as per requirements [1]. This paper presents operation and working of wireless video camera system. This system is developed by using USB-camera, microcontroller atmega16A, serial communicator-FTDI232 which is used for communication between computer and micro-controller and vice versa and motor driving circuit. The special feature about this system is that direction of camera can be changed by user in desired direction from the control room using Bluetooth mobile application. So only one camera can cover the large area making the system reliable, cheap and convenient. This type of system can be used in surveillance application, military application and for monitoring purpose [1].

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How to Cite
, A. P. H. S. S. P. D. G. (2016). RF Controlled Digital Wireless Camera. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(4), 226–229. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i4.1993