Artificial Intelligence approaches in Cyber Security

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Abhilash Kamtam, Anshuman Kamar, Prof. U. C. Patkar


As we all know that, the data that is been generated every second is increasing exponentially, as this information stored or received in any form is directly or indirectly is through Internet that means the data has to be travelled over a network for its completion of task, due to this the security for proper transmission of data plays a vital role in Cyber Security. The speed of processes and the amount of data to be used in defending the cyber space is cannot be handled by humans without considerable automations. However, it is difficult to develop software with conventional fixed algorithms for effectively defending against the dynamically evolving malicious attacks over the network. This situation can be handled by applying method of Artificial Intelligence that provides flexibility and learning capabilities of a network which later helps us in defending the attacks and as well as tracing down the culprits residing behind the terminology. This topic mainly emphasis on how well a packet is transferred from source to destination with proper security so that the end-user acquires the correct data as per his requirements.

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How to Cite
, A. K. A. K. P. U. C. P. (2016). Artificial Intelligence approaches in Cyber Security. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(4), 05–09.