Embedded System is Computer System with Dedicated Function:-A Study

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Dipannita Jana, Dr. Dipak Ranjanjana


Embedded system basically a computer with dedicated function with a large mechanical and electrical system. The use or application of embedded system in various areasworldwide.Hence in this study, we discussed about the wide area of application and finally we have discussed about the use of embedded system in connection with industrial robot along with CNC technology in flexible manufacturing (FMS) where accurate control of speed and position of DC motor in precession and repeatability in motion control have achieved in servomotor and machine actuators.

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How to Cite
, D. J. D. D. R. (2016). Embedded System is Computer System with Dedicated Function:-A Study. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(3), 562–565. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i3.1939