Monitoring Driver’s Fatigue using Eye Blink Sensor

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Pooja Holimath, Manisha Deshmukh, Prof.Vrishali Motgi, Prof. Shailesh Pendpale


Now a day’s number of accidents is increasing at large places, and various technologies are being introduced to reduce the accidents. In this project we introduce monitoring driver’s fatigue using eye blink. Using eye blink sensor driver’s fatigued status is monitored to prevent form vehicle accident wherein the vehicle is stopped immediately and intimated wherever needed. The main module of this project is eye blink sensor. The eye blink sensor is placed near the eye to sense the blink count and this information is transmitted in the form of pulses and is given to the microcontroller. The microcontroller uses this information to compare with the normal eye blink programmed in the chip and if any interruption occurred in this situation the vehicle is stopped with an alarm indication, this operation is enabled by means of the driver circuit connected to vibrator motor simultaneously microcontroller uses this information for displaying the alert message in the LCD as programmed.

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How to Cite
, P. H. . M. D. P. M. P. S. P. (2016). Monitoring Driver’s Fatigue using Eye Blink Sensor. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(3), 507–510.