Efficient methodology for Encrypting Amazigh Alphabet using Modified Knapsack Algorithm based ECC

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Fatima Amounas


With the development of computers there has been strong demand for means to protect information and to provide security. Recently, security of Amazigh characters has become a growing field in which several research efforts have been made. In this context this paper provides a novel methodology for encrypting Amazigh characters which is the combination of ECC cryptosystem and Knapsack Algorithm through which each character of the message will be strongly encrypted. This paper demonstrates how to strengthen the encrypted message being sent by use of Knapsack algorithm so that only the intended recipient of the message is able to decipher the message. Encryption and decryption process are given in details with an example. A comparison of the proposed technique with existing algorithms has been done in encryption and decryption time.

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How to Cite
, F. A. (2016). Efficient methodology for Encrypting Amazigh Alphabet using Modified Knapsack Algorithm based ECC. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(3), 502–506. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i3.1927