Implementation of Electric Spring in Future Smart Grid for Reduction of Energy Storage Requirements

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Dnyanda D. Kolhe, Prof. A. P. Chaudhari


The electric spring is modern technology certified to be effective in stabilizing smart grid with substantial participation of intermittent renewable energy sources and enabling load demand to follow power generation. The unclear change from output voltage control of a reactive power controller presents the electric spring new aspects convenient for future smart grid applications. In this project, the effects of such unclear control change are highlighted, and the advantage of the electric springs in reducing energy storage requirements in power grid is theoretically shown and practically shown. In an experimental set up of a 90 kVA power grid. Traditional statcom and static var compensation technologies used for only reactive power compensation as well as random power variation in non-critical loads. These are such profitable features of electric spring enables non-critical loads with embedded electric springs to be adaptive to future power grid. Accordingly, the load demand can follow energy precaution, power generation and hence energy storage requirements can be reduced.

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How to Cite
, D. D. K. P. A. P. C. (2016). Implementation of Electric Spring in Future Smart Grid for Reduction of Energy Storage Requirements. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(3), 458–461.