Non-Destructive Oil-Gas Pipeline Corrosion Monitoring

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Riya Elizabeth Abraham Name, Dr. S R S Prabaharan


This paper proposes an in-line corrosion monitoring of oil-gas pipeline and evaluating the associated risks in minutes through real time data logging. The rapid changes in the resistive layer of the steel pipeline when it gets corroded are taken in account. When corrosion begins, thickness of the material of the pipeline decreases. The current passing through the layer varies and hence the potential. This change in the potential is measured and processed so that the control station is alerted about the progressive changes and necessary measures are taken to solve the issue. The proposed work saves the economic loss by preventing the digging of the whole area. It implies a kind of non-destructive approach. This is a long time process and whenever the system finds some rapid changes in the rate of corrosion, an alert is made so that it can facilitate in taking necessary measures to control the situation.

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How to Cite
, R. E. A. N. D. S. R. S. P. (2016). Non-Destructive Oil-Gas Pipeline Corrosion Monitoring. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(3), 446–449.