Literature Review: Study of Various Techniques for Beam and Polarization Splitting for mm Waves

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Mistry Pooja, Anil K. Sisodia


In this paper, we present the techniques used for splitting the radiation beam and polarization of mm and sub-millimeter waves. First technique is based on H-plane section which splits the square section pipe into two rectangular.Second technique is based on a confocal quasi optical system with wire grid beam splitter. Another is based on grounded Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) array as millimeter wave beam splitter which demonstrates that the reflection phase of coherent mm-wave can be altered by using FSS array with different slot lengths. Last technique is based on Mylar beam splitters over the range of wavelength between 0.08 mm to 2 mm for angles of incidence between 450 and 80?.

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How to Cite
, M. P. A. K. S. (2017). Literature Review: Study of Various Techniques for Beam and Polarization Splitting for mm Waves. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(2), 163–167.