Data Security in Cloud Storage

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Mayuri R. Tikale, Anupreet Vijay Shende


Cloud Computing is a generic term for delivering hosted services over the Internet. It follows a pay-per-use approach. Cloud Computing offers numerous benefits for the enterprises, however, there are also many issues, as with any new paradigm or technology. One of the main issues relate to the security and confidentiality of customer data in terms of its location, relocation, availability and security. From the consumer’s perspective, cloud computing security concerns, especially data security, remain the primary inhibitor for adoption of cloud computing services. This reports outlines the Cloud technology overview, brief explains the delivery and deployment models for data storage security, analysis on data security and discusses the issues relating to data in the Cloud computing across all stages of data life cycle.

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How to Cite
, M. R. T. A. V. S. (2016). Data Security in Cloud Storage. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(3), 310–313.