Experimental Performance Analysis of Diesel Engine without Ceramic Coating on Cylinder Liner

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Amit I Pandey, Dr. Nirvesh S Mehta, Atul I Pandey


Automobile industries faces big problem related to fuel economy, engine efficiency and emission which is harmful to the environment as well as human. In diesel engine one–third fuel energy is converted into the useful work otherwise diesel engine rejects about two third of heat energy of fuel i.e. one third to exhaust and one third to coolant. Due to rise of fuel cost major challenges for automobile industry is to decrease the fuel consumption, exhaust emissions without compromising efficiency. The performance of internal combustion engine can be improve by reducing frictional losses as well as reduction in specific fuel consumption of fuel during the engine operation. Exhaust emission can be reduced by complete combustion of fuel which is obtained by complete combustion of fuel due to high combustion temperature inside the combustion chamber. These things can be obtain by ceramic materials which have low thermal conductivity, less weight, corrosion resistance, wear resistance and shock resistance etc. the objective is to improve the performance of four stroke single cylinder diesel engine by providing ceramic coating on cylinder liner to know the effect of coating on the performance of diesel engine.

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How to Cite
, A. I. P. D. N. S. M. A. I. P. (2016). Experimental Performance Analysis of Diesel Engine without Ceramic Coating on Cylinder Liner. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(3), 175–179. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i3.1854