Stochastic Multifacility Location Problem under Triangular Area Constraint with Euclidean Norm

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A. K. Santra


The multifacility location issue is an augmentation of the single-location problem in which we might be keen on finding the location of various new facilities concerning different existing locations. In the present study, multifacility location under triangular zone limitation with probabilistic methodology for the weights considered in the objective function and the Euclidean distances between the locations has been presented. Scientific detailing and the explanatory arrangement have been acquired by utilizing Kuhn-Tucker conditions. The arrangement strategy has been represented with the assistance of a numerical illustration. Two sub-instances of the issue in each of which the new locations are to be situated in semi-open rectangular zone have likewise been talked about.

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How to Cite
, A. K. S. (2016). Stochastic Multifacility Location Problem under Triangular Area Constraint with Euclidean Norm. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(3), 111–116.