Design Methodology of Small Signal Power Amplifier using Linear S-parameter Model

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Madri K. Chauhan, Dr. Anil kumar Suthar


This paper illustrates the linear design procedure and simulation of small signal power amplifier at frequency of 900 MHz based on an RF MOSFET device of type RD45HMF1 [15] fromMISTUSHIBUSHI. The linear S-Parameter model of this device is used in Agilent ADS to design the power stage includingthe stability analysis,complex conjugate matching and design of source and load matching networks. The linear model is specifically required to achieve the desired gain with better input and output return losses.The matching network is then designed to achieve specified performance figures.It is hoped that the understanding gained through the work will be useful in futureSSPA developments.

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How to Cite
, M. K. C. D. A. kumar S. (2016). Design Methodology of Small Signal Power Amplifier using Linear S-parameter Model. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(3), 64–68.