Text Mining Method to Develop D-Matrix for Fault Diagnosis

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Ms. Amruta Kulkarni, Prof. Jyoti Nighot


The D-matrix is one amongst the quality diagnostic models specified by IEEE Standard. This framework catches underlying connections between symptoms and failure modes in structured fashion. This framework is called as Dependency or Diagnosis framework (D-matrix).Proposed system describes text mining method based on an ontology to develop D-matrix by mining repair verbatim written in unstructured text. Here repair verbatim are collected during fault diagnosis. Then mining algorithms are applied to find dependencies. D-Matrix is constructed for different dataset, then we generate a combined D-matrix by taking common parameters from each D-matrix and then a graph is formed for that D-matrix.

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How to Cite
, M. A. K. P. J. N. (2016). Text Mining Method to Develop D-Matrix for Fault Diagnosis. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 4(3), 27–29. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v4i3.1826