Election Analysis and Prediction Using Big Data Analytics

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Omkar Sawant, Chintaman Taral, Roopak Garbhe, Deepali Nayak


The aim of this paper is to propose an alternate way to conduct elections by highlighting the fundamental loopholes present in current system. The current election process considers the number of votes polled by a candidate as the sole parameter to choose the winner. Our proposal aims at highlighting the discrepancy between the most deserving candidate to win the election and the candidate who is predicted to win on the basis of his or her popularity. We will be choosing the deserved candidate by taking into account parameters such as the criminal records, educational qualifications, past social work, previous term record etc. We want the election process to not be a contest of popularity only. We aim to bring about a change in the election process to make it better and unprejudiced.

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How to Cite
, O. S. C. T. R. G. D. N. (2017). Election Analysis and Prediction Using Big Data Analytics. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(2), 107–111. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i2.179