Using the Advantages of NOSQL: A Case Study on MongoDB

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Divya Chauhan, K. L. Bansal


With such a big volume of data growing tremendously every day, the storage of information, support and maintenance have become difficult. A further level of difficulty is added by the variety of data being captured. The data stored and updated on daily bases is in the form of logs, audio, video, sensor data and so on, which is not easy to be stored and queried using relational database. The paper gives the overview of NOSQL databases which provide more scalability and efficiency in storage and access of the data. A case study on MongoDB is done as to show the representational format and querying process of NOSQL database. The concepts of MongoDB are compared to the relational databases.

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How to Cite
, D. C. K. L. B. (2017). Using the Advantages of NOSQL: A Case Study on MongoDB. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(2), 90–93.