Sybil Attack Analysis and Detection Techniques in MANET

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Chakradhar Verma, Dr. C. P. Gupta


Security is important for many sensor network applications. A particularly harmful attack against sensor and ad hoc networks is known as the Sybil attack [6], where a node Illegitimately claims multiple identities.Mobility cause a main problem when we talk about security in Mobile Ad-hoc networks. It doesn’t depend on fixed architecture, the nodes are continuously moving in a random fashion. In this article we will focus on identifying the Sybil attack in MANET. It uses air medium for communication so it is more prone to the attack. Sybil attack is one in which single node present multiple fake identities to other nodes, which cause destruction.

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How to Cite
, C. V. D. C. P. G. (2018). Sybil Attack Analysis and Detection Techniques in MANET. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 6(7), 102–105.