Enhancement of Privacy and User Interaction in a Social Network with the Aid of Adaptive Intelligence

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Puneet Palagi, Dr. Ashok Kumar Ps


Focusing on enhanced user-interaction avoiding a simple like button by adding a post-interaction rate feature that technically creates an extra dimension into liking a post. User is able to save pictures to the cloud. Saving memory effectively and creating on-time content. The main purpose is to enhance Privacy and creating an advanced user interface/interaction allowing a fair share of reaction to a post. When a user posts a picture, the following user interacts with the picture after tapping the PIB (Post Interaction Button). The picture will be evaluated as long as the user has the post in view. Also allow no duplication to the post shared by the user. When a user posts a p icture it shouldn’t be devalued. Our app ensures that the post will be rated according to the user interaction. Able to publish posts on other social medias, making it uni-directional. Introducing this unique social networking mobile-based application where a user can share photos, videos and texts with extreme privacy, uploading them even by making them anonymous to the group. Assuring a reliable place to take and share and save posts from anywhere around the world.

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How to Cite
, P. P. D. A. K. P. (2018). Enhancement of Privacy and User Interaction in a Social Network with the Aid of Adaptive Intelligence. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 6(7), 17–21. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v6i7.1675