A Novel Approach of Steganography using Bit plane Slicing and Catalan-Lucas Number Sequence

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Mrs. Shilpa Pund-Dange, Dr. Chitra G Desai


This paper represents a novel approach of steganography using ModifiedSteganographic algorithm with Catalan-Lucas Series. In this algorithm,Catalan Lucas number sequence represents each RBG component of the image by 16 bits instead of 8 bits. By applying Bit Plane Slicing technique, the cover image is sliced into 48 virtual planes and the message to be hidden is also sliced into 16 virtual planes. These 16 planes of the secret message are hidden into some of the 48 virtual planes of the cover image using the proposed algorithm. This process generates three keys at the sender which are required to extract the message from the stego image at the receiver. This method provides high data security and hiding capacity. The experimental results and the PSNR values are also discussed with the advantages from the security perspective.

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How to Cite
, M. S. P.-D. D. C. G. D. (2018). A Novel Approach of Steganography using Bit plane Slicing and Catalan-Lucas Number Sequence. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 6(6), 180–183. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v6i6.1655