A Novel Approach in Image Encryption Using AES Algorithm

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Kaushal Kumar, Er. Jasdeep Singh Mann


As the information trade in electronic way is quickly expanding, it is likewise similarly vital to shield the classification of information from unapproved get to. The breaks in security influence client's protection and notoriety. The information traded can be content, picture, sound, video and so on. Each sort of information has its own particular highlights and diverse methods are utilized to shield classified picture information from unapproved get to. Thus encryption of information is done to affirm security in open systems. Cryptography is the investigation of procedures for secure correspondence within the sight of a foe. It manages issues like encryption, validation, and key appropriation to give some examples. Image encryption is a system that gives security to pictures by changing over the first picture into a picture which is hard to get it. In the base paper, main approach was that they have added a key stream generator (A5/1W7) to AES to ensure improving the encryption performance; mainly for images characterized by reduced entropy. The implementation of both techniques has been realized for experimental purposes. Detailed results in terms of security analysis and implementation are given. Comparative study with traditional encryption algorithms is shown the superiority of the modified algorithm. But the comparative study showed that encryption time as well as decryption time of this algorithm is quite high. The parameters used in their research such as entropy, co-relation and PSNR are also needed to be analyzed. To improvise their algorithm, we have proposed an algorithm which deals with XOR operation of the sub keys. The methodology is described below.

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How to Cite
, K. K. E. J. S. M. (2018). A Novel Approach in Image Encryption Using AES Algorithm. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 6(5), 187–192. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v6i5.1602