Sequential Pattern Mining Aide to Bio-Informatics

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Ratna Giri Devavarapu, Dr. G.Murali


Practical Bio-Informatic is the study of all vicinities of development, testing and novel appliances for statistical and computational techniques for prototype and study of all types of scientific data, in addition to further areas of Information Technology and Sciences. Bio-Informatics is a novel approach to conceptualize the natural science in provisions of molecules and apply Informatic methods is derived from computer science and applied mathematics regulation, for instance, info to be grateful for and systematize them in order to relate with these molecules, on a large scale for use in future research studies. Bio-Informatics is the study of upcoming appliances in natural science, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, medicine, and agriculture and various additional fields of research and development. Many pharmaceutical manufacturing companies are attracted in mining sequential patterns from the databases. Sequential Pattern Mining is doing good technique of data mining, which recognizes the temporal relationship between different drugs and it can help in estimating the treatment course for patients. These studies give an improvement in the sympathetic of the loom of Sequential Pattern Mining and Bio-Informatics play a part to a vital role in a biomedical study in the storage of patient’s case reports which is useful in providing treatment to other patients.

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How to Cite
, R. G. D. D. G. (2018). Sequential Pattern Mining Aide to Bio-Informatics. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 6(5), 27–36.