A Verb-centered Ontology Modelling for Text Understanding

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Pyung Kim


The role of illustration is to illustrate specific words used in sentence or to express a specific situation. To automatically generate an illustration, the sentences used in contents must be understood and expressed as pictures. This requires an ontology consisting of parsing results, characters, words, affiliations, backgrounds, props, location and time. Manual correction is also required once the scene is configured. In order to improve the productivity of contents based on auto-generation of illustrations, studies for the auto-generation of illustrations are continuously performed. This study models a verb-centered ontology to be used for character-background-prop arrangement, arrangement and emotion of characters, time, weather and seasonal expression necessary for constructing illustrations of Korean traditional fairy tales. As part of the ontology used to construct the illustrations, the verb ontology not only plays a fundamental role for each verb type but also can be used for more naturally representing the behavior, placement, and emotion of characters appearing in the illustration, using different verb concepts and various relationships between concepts.

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How to Cite
, P. K. (2017). A Verb-centered Ontology Modelling for Text Understanding. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(2), 01–05. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i2.157