E-Learning Portal Using Social Networking Features

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Pulkit Poddar, Bhavish Jethwa, Nikhil Jain , Siddhant Somani , Prof. Abhay Patil


Education is currently conducted in highly controlled way. E-learning has emerged as an answer to provide freedom for learners in the way that face-to-face learning cannot deliver. It has rapidly evolved from a thing of the future to a practical approach towards education and will continue to be an extremely useful classroom teaching tool as well as self-study platform. With the rise of virtual reality technology and augment reality solutions, experimental subjects, skill-based learning and military training will come to depend more heavily on e-learning solutions. Various education technology providers are also hinting towards the rise of mobile learning solutions (also known as m-learning) as the advanced stage of education technology in future. Students can access educational assistance with services such as online tutoring, online programming help and coursework guidance. In providing e-learning, it is desirable to build an environment that is suitable to the student’s learning style. The result of multiple regression analyses, excluding the changes in learning preferences that may occur during the course, shows that a student’s learning adaptability can be estimated to some extent based on his/her learning preference measured before the course starts. Despite many advantages of e-learning, it does not provide the best learning experience due to many shortages, limitations, and challenges. The best learning experience might be available by combining in-class and online learning. One more feature that e-learning lacks is peers interaction. Peers interaction has been facilitated through social networks. Utilizing social networks in e-Learning can change the way students perceive learning

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How to Cite
, P. P. B. J. N. J. , S. S. , P. A. P. (2018). E-Learning Portal Using Social Networking Features. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 6(4), 161–165. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v6i4.1537