WiFi Ace (Wireless Invasion and Security Tool)

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Ashish Chavan, Sonali Jadhav, Payal Chaudhari, Mandar Mankar


With the progression in the remote innovation there are an ever increasing number of gadgets associated over WiFi Network. Security is one of the significant worries about WiFi other than execution, extend, ease of use, etc. WiFi Ace is an accumulation of WiFi testing devices and administrations stuffed together inside Raspberry Pi 3 model B. The WiFi Ace empowers the passageway analyzer to lead WiFi attacks and perception on the picked client or on the whole framework. WiFi Ace is conservative and stealth in this way empowering the attacker to reproduce the ambushes without anyone seeing them. WiFi Ace gives administrations, for instance, think sticking, blocking or impedance with approved remote correspondences which should be possible to the entire system or only a specific hub. WLAN’s(Wireless Local Area Network) are most appropriate for home clients, little network, or networks with low security prerequisites.

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How to Cite
, A. C. S. J. P. C. M. M. (2018). WiFi Ace (Wireless Invasion and Security Tool). International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 6(4), 78–82. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v6i4.1521