Soil Monitoring and Crop Identification Using IOT

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Abbas .I, Kapila.R, Kumaran.B, Jegadeeswaran.P, S.Raja, Mr.Balaji.G


Agriculture is the backbone of our country that contributes to 45% of the GDP that is responsible for the enhancement of country’s economy. Our project aims on building an integrated module for improving the efficiency of the present agricultural modules. The proposed module consists of a series of array of sensors such as ambient temperature, moisture, air quality and the pH sensor to measure these parameters of the soil. All this data are sent to the cloud for backend works such as comparing it with the stored data and predicting the type of crop that can be grown after disaster for relief works by the government and insurance agents. This would considerably reduce the need of experts to visit the place and to perform manual testing during disaster.

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How to Cite
, A. .I, K. K. J. S. M. (2018). Soil Monitoring and Crop Identification Using IOT. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 6(3), 87–92.