Raspberry Based Medical Aid With Dispenser System Using IOT

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Anish R, Arshad RK, Gowtham R, Agalya P, S.Raja, Mr.Balaji.G


In India, the number of deaths due to lack of medical facilities and proper access to healthcare is on the rise in India. Also, unavailability of doctors in tourist places is a hindrance to the tourism in our country. Only 27% of the total healthcare in India is accessible by the rural masses which occupies 75% of the total population. A lot of minor medical conditions like common cold, fever, acidity, vomiting (especially in hilly areas) are left unaddressed due to the lack of medicines especially at night. If though we need to check some of medical parameters like weight, blood pressure, body temperature, pulse rate we need to go quite long to the hospital, which is quite difficult in rural areas. This is where our product, comes to the rescue. Proposed system is aimed at providing immediate medical and pharmaceutical remote aid automatically via IOT. This product would definitely affect the people living in villages and remote regions who usually travel about 100km and spend around 70% - 80% of their income in travel for medical and healthcare facilities. We aim at creating an Automated Medical Aid by incorporating various sensors that can measure vital parameters of our body like blood pressure, weight, temperature, pulse rate etc. These parameters data would be analyzed with our data model and we would provide suggestion according. If needed the medicines are dispensed by the machine. The machine can also be used to Dispense First-Aid Kits, Napkins and certain scheduled drugs for emergency situation. Though there are various medicine vending machines around the world, proposed system would be a stand-alone device that provides remote medical assistance and dispense medicines at the same time.

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How to Cite
, A. R. A. R. G. R. A. P. S. M. (2018). Raspberry Based Medical Aid With Dispenser System Using IOT. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 6(3), 74–79. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v6i3.1462