Green IT towards Digitalizing India

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Krati Bansal, Pratik Kurle, Priyanka Chawla


Digital India is an initiative by government of India which will prove as a blessing for Indian citizens and will also assist in connecting dots between past, present projects in India. Over the years biggest challenge for India has been to communicate information to this gigantic population. Digital Platform is one of the most efficient ways of communicating information to 1.2 billon citizens of India. Green Computing and Green technology are adopted by developed countries to reduce the impact of growing usage of computing equipments. Apache Hadoop is one of the best upcoming technologies to maintain and analyze Big Data. Hadoop can be implemented on with normal computing and also with cloud computing. Efficient use of Green technology and moving towards virtualization will trigger reduction in environmental impact of the growing use of computing.

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How to Cite
, K. B. P. K. P. C. (2018). Green IT towards Digitalizing India. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 6(1), 12–20.