E-Learning: Implications for Mathematics Educators

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Nwigbo Stella N., Dr. MadhuB.K., Eze F, B


The search for knowledge is an everyday thing amongst humans. This has resulted in the enrolment of people into different institutions of learning. The development of technology and the discovery of the internet resulted in their usage for learning. Several institutions have implemented this in their programmes over the years. This paper examined the concept of e-learning; how it works, it benefits to learners, educators and the society and some challenges it faces. Consequently, its workability for mathematics educators was deduced.

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How to Cite
, N. S. N. D. M. E. F. B. (2017). E-Learning: Implications for Mathematics Educators. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(11), 116 –. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i11.1285