Hadoop and its role in Facebook: An Overview

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Divya Ramadoss, Chandra P


One of the challenges in storing and processing the data and using the latest internet technologies has resulted in large volumes of data. The technique to manage this massive amount of data and to pull out the value, out of this volume is collectively called Big data. Over the recent years, there has been a rising interest in big data for social media analysis. Online social media have become the important platform across the world to share information. Facebook, one of the largest social media site receives posts in millions every day. One of the efficient technologies that deal with the Big Data is Hadoop. Hadoop, for processing large data volume jobs uses MapReduce programming model. This paper provides a survey on Hadoop and its role in facebook and a brief introduction to HIVE.

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How to Cite
, D. R. C. P. (2017). Hadoop and its role in Facebook: An Overview. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5(8), 84 –. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v5i8.1172