The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Engagement in Sustainable Consumption

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Konga Subba Reddy, T. Narayana Reddy


Social medial marketing is stirring and collaborating platform where sellers and buyers can intermingle about reactions, and to know the contemporary predominant in the market. Customers who know about the social networking or social networking platform as a marketing tool, Most of buyers prefer social media to save time, energy, anywhere and anytime what we want and also vendors they that they can uphold their products or services improve by using innumerable methodical tools by reviewing their predilections. By using social networking, customers can certainly specific products by evaluations provided by other users of same products. Consumers also concentrate on marketer’s response about their queries. This study main objective is to find out the different elements of social networking marketing that corresponds to consistency and faith by using most efficient platforms. However there are several preferable websites available but digital marketer need to take at most care while choosing a platform to market the product through the social media marketing. The present study establishes that how social media marketing impact on consumer engagement in sustainable consumption. Statistical tools like Cronbach's alpha, Regression, test are done. The sample size 246 is taken and primary date is collected by using snowball sampling method. To test the consistency among the variables. The questionnaire is share through social media platform .i.e Facebook to collect the primary data according to the objectives of the study. The total of 345 samples was received from the face book users, Out of 345 responses only 246 were useful. All the 34 items include statements that requested respondents to reveal their agreement level based on Likert scales using  five point scale (5 = strongly agree to 1 = strongly disagree,).The findings of the study is there a positive and significant impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Engagement and Sustainable Consumption.

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How to Cite
Konga Subba Reddy. (2023). The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Engagement in Sustainable Consumption. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(8), 739–746. Retrieved from