An Investigation on the Investing Patterns and Preferences of Individual Investors in the City of Kadapa

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N.Venkateswara Reddy, S.Gautami, T.Narayana Reddy


This study aims to investigate the investing behaviour of individual investors in Kadapa, particularly with respect to the several investment alternatives offered by Indian financial markets. The preservation of the original investment, asset liquidity, produced income stability, and potential for value appreciation are the primary determinants of an investment. Investment options include savings accounts, fixed deposit accounts, corporate bonds, government securities, insurance policies, shares, mutual funds, chit funds, real estate, commodities, and gold and silver. Depending on their risk tolerance, investors allocate their excess assets to the designated channels. In money management, the adage "no pain, no gain" is essential. When the economy is growing, people may accumulate larger amounts of money. increased levels of profitability are correlated with increased risk. While it is impossible to completely eliminate risk, investors may lessen it by allocating their funds across several safe and secure investment opportunities, which will allow them to achieve a modest degree of profitability. According to the researcher's findings, a sizable portion of investors in KadapaCity place a higher priority on bank savings than on investments in gold and silver.

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How to Cite
N.Venkateswara Reddy. (2023). An Investigation on the Investing Patterns and Preferences of Individual Investors in the City of Kadapa. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(11), 1445–1451. Retrieved from