Impact of Information Security and Device Interoperability on Adoption of IoT Based Smart City

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Abhishek Tarafder, Ajay Jain


With the increasing use of IoT in cities worldwide to improve infrastructure and services, it is crucial to comprehend the relationship between technology implementation and important concerns like information security and device interoperability. The study utilized convenience sampling to acquire primary data from 115 executives actively involved in IoT deployment across several industries. A questionnaire was provided to these executives. The study's conclusions were supplemented by secondary data obtained from academic papers, journals, and books. The statistical study, performed using IBM SPSS and MS Excel 2013, demonstrated strong positive associations between the adoption of IoT and both information security (r = 0.759, p < 0.01) and device sensor interoperability (r = 0.562, p < 0.01). These connections highlight the need of strong cybersecurity frameworks and interoperability standards in optimizing the effectiveness and dependability of IoT implementations in smart city environments.

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How to Cite
Abhishek Tarafder. (2023). Impact of Information Security and Device Interoperability on Adoption of IoT Based Smart City. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(11), 1420–1425. Retrieved from