Containerised Endpoint Security for DevOps Environments

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Sagar Aghera


In DevOps contexts, Docker and Kubernetes have improved flexibility, scalability, and efficiency in software development and deployment. However, these improvements present significant security risks that require customized endpoint security solutions. Signature-based detection, behaviour-based monitoring, and anomaly detection for containerized DevOps are examined in this research. We systematically analyse detection accuracy, false positives, resource efficiency, scalability, latency, and flexibility. These techniques combine in order to detect and respond to threats. Future prospects include AI-enhanced anomaly detection, automated mitigation, adaptive monitoring, blockchain-driven integrity, and collaborative threat intelligence. These improvements strengthen containerized DevOps against cyberattacks.

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How to Cite
Sagar Aghera. (2023). Containerised Endpoint Security for DevOps Environments. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(3), 539–546. Retrieved from