Understanding the Multidimensionality of Risks in Construction Projects

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Isha Katariya, Tophique Qureshi


Construction projects are inherently complex and susceptible to various risks that can have significant impacts on project outcomes. Traditional risk assessment methods often focus on singular dimensions of risk, such as cost or schedule, potentially overlooking the multidimensional nature of risks in construction. This research explores the multidimensionality of risks in construction projects and provides a comprehensive understanding of their implications for risk management. The study begins by establishing the background and context of construction projects, highlighting their dynamic and multifaceted nature. It emphasizes the significance of risk management in construction, where effective risk assessment and mitigation strategies are critical for project success. The research problem centers on the limitations of traditional risk assessment methods in addressing the complexity of modern construction projects. This study aims to address this gap by investigating the emergence of multidimensional risk assessment approaches and their theoretical frameworks. The objectives of the study are to identify comprehensive lists of multidimensional risk factors, categorize risks into different dimensions, and provide real-world examples and case studies illustrating multidimensional risks. A mixed-method research design is employed, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods to capture the quantitative aspects and qualitative nuances of multidimensional risks. The study's findings have profound implications for construction project management, offering insights into how a multidimensional understanding of risks can enhance project management practices. Recommendations for integrating multidimensional risk assessment into project planning and execution are provided, along with best practices for mitigating multidimensional risks. Challenges encountered during the study are acknowledged, including data complexity and access limitations. Areas for future research in multidimensional risk management in construction are also suggested, such as the development of advanced risk assessment models, cross-cultural studies, and the adoption of emerging technologies.

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How to Cite
Isha Katariya. (2023). Understanding the Multidimensionality of Risks in Construction Projects. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(7), 568–577. Retrieved from https://ijritcc.org/index.php/ijritcc/article/view/10873