A Study of Data Encryption in Internet of Things Environment

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P Raja Lingam, Rahul Mishra


The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a class of cutting-edge information technologies that have captured the public's imagination. We often consider sensors and stimulators to be "smart" gadgets in our surroundings. But at the same time, there are fresh concerns raised by IoT security. Smart gadgets become increasingly integrated into human life as a result of their Internet connectivity and potential for interaction with humans. It follows that security must be a first consideration while creating IoT. The Internet of Things is exceptional because of its three main characteristics: comprehensive awareness, dependable transmission, and clever processing. With the widespread nature of IoT, data transmission security has become a crucial component of overall system integrity. As a novel paradigm, the IoT may benefit from the hybrid encryption method. Strong security is produced with this sort of encryption while just a little amount of processing is required. To that end, this study proposes a hybrid encryption algorithm, the development of which has been carried out to make encryption more quickly and with less computational complexity, as well as to lessen the dangers associated with doing so. This hybrid algorithm was designed for IoT data transmission to provide privacy, authenticity, and immutability of all sent information. The proposed encryption technique was eventually tested in a MATLAB simulation to gauge its speed and security efficiency in contrast to the standard encryption approach.

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How to Cite
P Raja Lingam. (2023). A Study of Data Encryption in Internet of Things Environment. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(3), 382–387. Retrieved from https://ijritcc.org/index.php/ijritcc/article/view/10761