Security Challenges and Solutions in Cloud-Based Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Systems

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Nitin Prasad, Joel lopes, Jigar Shah, Narendra Narukulla, Hemanth Swamy


Security is extremely critical in cloud-based AI frameworks for large information in light of the delicate idea of the information in question and how much information included. The reason for this study is to introduce an outline of the security-related difficulties that such frameworks face and to give expected answers for those difficulties. As a feature of our exploration, we investigate the deficiencies of cloud-based AI conditions as to the accessibility, uprightness, classification, and security of information. Furthermore, we talk about the dangers that are related with threatening assaults, dangers from insiders, unapproved access, and information security breaks. To determine these difficulties, we propose a diverse methodology that consolidates secure information trade conventions, inconsistency recognition frameworks, encryption strategies, access control systems, and confirmation techniques that are reliable. Furthermore, we address the significance of adjusting to lawful principles and trying the best security techniques. With the utilization of these advances, organizations can possibly upgrade the security stance of their cloud-based AI frameworks, in this way shielding delicate data and guaranteeing the steadfastness of their logical procedure.

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How to Cite
Nitin Prasad. (2022). Security Challenges and Solutions in Cloud-Based Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Systems. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 10(12), 286–292. Retrieved from