Performance Analysis of Microservices Architecture in Cloud Environments

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Dileep Kumar Pandiya


The rapid advancement and adoption of microservices architecture in cloud environments have necessitated comprehensive performance evaluations to understand its impacts and efficiencies. This study aims to analyze the performance metrics of microservices architecture within various cloud scenarios, focusing on latency, throughput, and resource utilization. By conducting empirical research through the deployment of microservices on different cloud platforms, this paper investigates how microservices interact with cloud infrastructures and the performance trade-offs involved. Our methodology includes a detailed experimental setup where identical microservices applications are deployed across multiple cloud services to measure and compare key performance indicators. The research provides a systematic comparison against traditional monolithic architectures to highlight the benefits and limitations of microservices in cloud environments.
The findings reveal that while microservices offer increased scalability and flexibility, they also introduce complexity in areas such as service discovery, network latency, and load balancing. The performance of microservices varies significantly with changes in the cloud infrastructure, including differences in container orchestration and management tools. This analysis contributes to the field by offering a nuanced view of microservices performance, guiding developers and IT professionals in making informed decisions about architecture and deployment strategies in cloud environments. The study also outlines potential areas for future research, particularly in optimizing microservice configurations for enhanced performance. This research is vital for organizations considering or currently utilizing microservices to architect their cloud-based applications.

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How to Cite
Pandiya , D. K. . (2022). Performance Analysis of Microservices Architecture in Cloud Environments . International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 10(12), 264–274. Retrieved from