Incorporating Data Mining into Cloud Computing

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H. Lalchhanhima, Lalrintluanga Sailo, Malsawmtluangi, Jeanie Lalthanpari Poonte, N. Venkatesan, C. Lalrinawma


Data mining plays an essential role in uncovering new, reliable, valuable, and comprehensible patterns in data. When combined with cloud computing, it forms a flexible and scalable system, allowing for the effective extraction of large datasets from interconnected virtual repositories. The primary objective is to produce meaningful information that supports informed decision-making. This paper discusses the necessity of incorporating data mining into cloud computing frameworks, focusing on providing efficient and secure services to users while also reducing infrastructure and storage expenses.

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How to Cite
Lalchhanhima, H. (2021). Incorporating Data Mining into Cloud Computing. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 9(3), 53–61.