Low-Salt Water Flow Monitoring in Jeju Coastal Area Using Coms Satellite Data

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Jae-Won Kim, Hong-Joo Yoon, Ye-Been Do, Se-Yun Oh, Gyeong-Hyu Seok


Recently, as low-salt fountains flowing from the Yangtze River region of China have caused damage to fishermen near the south coast, west coast, and Jeju Island, the importance of detecting and preparing for them in advance is increasing. Until now, monitoring of low-salt fractions has remained in the stage of monitoring by sending probes or predicting through ocean currents, and only recently, methods of monitoring low-salt fractions using chlorophyll concentration analysis through sea color and machine learning have been studied. However, these two methods have their own limitations, and this study aimed to develop a low-salt fountain monitoring method suitable for the Korean Peninsula by predicting the direction of movement of low-salt fractions using data different from previous satellite data.

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How to Cite
Jae-Won Kim, Hong-Joo Yoon, Ye-Been Do, Se-Yun Oh, Gyeong-Hyu Seok. (2024). Low-Salt Water Flow Monitoring in Jeju Coastal Area Using Coms Satellite Data . International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 12(2), 313–315. Retrieved from https://ijritcc.org/index.php/ijritcc/article/view/10662