Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Trademarks - Branding in the Age of Automation

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Ankita Pandey, Dinesh Ashok, Neha Gupta, Sonali Bhatnagar, Tahir Qureshi


Technological breakthroughs are driving a dramatic shift in the corporate landscape, and the convergence of AI and trademarks is becoming a vital frontier in the branding space. This article delves into the changing landscape of branding in the era of automation by examining the dynamic convergence between AI and trademarks. The essay starts with a summary of the significant influence AI has on the registration and maintenance of trademarks, then it looks at the potential and problems that exist at the intersection of these two important fields. The piece also discusses branding’s future, projecting trends and providing advice for companies navigating this quickly evolving market. The difficulties and inadequacies in handling AI-generated trademarks are shown by a comprehensive examination of the legal ramifications and the current regulatory frameworks. The best practices section of the essay highlights the importance of ethical concerns while using AI-driven branding tactics. This article offers a thorough guide for comprehending, navigating, and prospering in the dynamic world of AI and trademarks as companies work to adapt and develop.

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How to Cite
Ankita Pandey, Dinesh Ashok, Neha Gupta, Sonali Bhatnagar, Tahir Qureshi. (2024). Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Trademarks - Branding in the Age of Automation. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 12(2), 308–312. Retrieved from