"Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Health Informatics: Association Rule Mining for Enhanced Medical Insights".

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Priyanka B Kolhapure, anisha


The healthcare sector has witnessed numerous prospects in health informatics because to the significant progress made in artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years. The present work investigates the incorporation of association rule mining (ARM), a crucial machine learning methodology, inside the field of health informatics in order to obtain improved medical insights. The use of Association Rule Mining (ARM) was employed to analyze a comprehensive dataset consisting of patient records, medical histories, and treatment outcomes obtained from three tertiary institutions spanning a period of five years. The primary objective was to uncover concealed patterns and establish correlations among different health metrics. The results of the study demonstrated noteworthy correlations among specific comorbidities, combinations of medications, and the resulting health outcomes. These relationships had not been previously identified by conventional analytical approaches. For example, an unforeseen association was observed between a specific co-occurrence of hypertension, diabetes, and a particular pharmacological category, which was found to be correlated with enhanced rates of patient recovery. These insights possess significant value for healthcare practitioners as they facilitate tailored patient therapy and enhance the quality of medical decision-making through the provision of informed information. Moreover, the integration of ARM with pre-existing electronic health record systems significantly enhances the capacity for obtaining real-time and dynamic insights into the health status of patients. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that there were also notable issues pertaining to data protection, integrity, and standards. Subsequent investigations should prioritize the resolution of these obstacles and the substantiation of the identified correlations in heterogeneous populations. The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in the form of the ARM system, within the field of health informatics highlights the significant capacity of contemporary technology to bring about substantial changes in the provision of healthcare services and the well-being of patients.

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How to Cite
Priyanka B Kolhapure. (2024). "Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Health Informatics: Association Rule Mining for Enhanced Medical Insights". International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(11), 1060–1066. Retrieved from https://ijritcc.org/index.php/ijritcc/article/view/10611