The Synergy of Machine Learning and AI in Cybersecurity: Exploring Issues and Challenges
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In the continuously evolving domain of cybersecurity, the groundbreaking fusion of ML and AI has inaugurated a new epoch of intelligent systems adept at promptly detecting and countering stealthy cyber threats.Top of Form Nonetheless, harnessing the full potential of these cutting-edge technologies while ensuring their efficacy and dependability demands concerted and sustained effort. The purpose of this comprehensive research is to examine the many multifaceted challenges in the cybersecurity environment and explore innovative solutions inherent to the utilization of machine learning to deal with these challenges.
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How to Cite
Mishra, A. (2024). The Synergy of Machine Learning and AI in Cybersecurity: Exploring Issues and Challenges. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 12(2), 177–183. Retrieved from