SHMP and SBS Mix for Brackish Water Treatment for 50 Days

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Mohammed Saleh Al Ansari


Managing or concentrating brine is one of RO desalination's biggest challenges. This concentration is used to make minerals. After salt crystallization, remove the RO handle's anticoagulants. Anticipants can be used to control calcium reverse osmosis precipitate sulphate and carbonate. Calcium phosphate control hasn't been well studied. Anticipants are used to prevent calcium phosphate build up on RO blocks, although their mechanism is unknown.

Most RO desalination plants use phosphorus-based anticalins to minimize scale. These anticalins lower transmembrane weight, salt entry, and saturation stream. Phosphorus anticalins in brine disposal should be considered when building a desalination plant.

SHMP is a well-respected anti-scale agent for RO films. It's dosed into feed water from a vessel containing sodium hexametaphosphate. Sodium hexametaphosphate-containing devices were prone to bacterial contamination. After 36 days, there were too many bacteria in the cosmetics applicator to count (TNTC).

Sodium hexametaphosphate can convert polyphosphate to orthophosphate. Temperature, concentration, and nutrients that help bacteria grow all affect conversion. A solution of sodium hexametaphosphate was tested for free phosphate. Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) can occur in raw water, hence chlorine was avoided. Sodium metabisulfite disinfected sodium hexametaphosphate tanks and injection lines (SBS).

Sterilization and phosphate reduction were studied. The SBS process was affected by sodium hexametaphosphate. SBS-sodium hexametaphosphate solution interaction affects how well and how much this RO system operates.

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How to Cite
Mohammed Saleh Al Ansari. (2022). SHMP and SBS Mix for Brackish Water Treatment for 50 Days. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 10(12), 222–234. Retrieved from